girls reading a book

Shauna's Story

How This Book Came to Be

A couple of you kids have mentioned at one time or another that most of your friends had to fend for themselves when they got hungry; that their mother's didn't do much in the way of cooking. Well, you've had your share of hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. I always thought that I took quite a few short cuts in the kitchen since cooking isn't my favorite pastime. So I was a little surprised that I was one of the more dedicated chefs of your acquaintance.

Years seem to be speeding by lately and since most of you have left the nest, I've become aware that so many memories center around the kitchen. As Christmas time was nearing this year, I began to formulate this idea of making a cookbook, putting in many of the recipes I used while you were growing up. I decided it would be fun to give each one a little history too, either where it came from or who loved it or who excelled at making it. It has turned out to be a bigger project than I thought it would be. But in the process, I've enjoyed so many memories of each of you.

I can hear every one of you at one point or another saying, "Don't you remember? I hate those!" It does seem like a mother ought to remember such important information. Anyway, this has been a sweet trip down memory lane. I hope that this will be a helpful addition to all of your kitchens as well as a sweet trip down memory lane for you too.

With all our love,

Mom & Dad

Christmas, 1999

(While I was making trips down memory lane, he was funding the trips to Staples.)
